Community Engagement

The UT Dallas Chess Team engages with the community at school districts, public libraries, and festivals.

If you have an event at a large venue that require chess exhibitions performed by Grandmasters and International Masters, email Jim Stallings, director of the UT Dallas Chess Program.

If you’d like to receive news about tournaments and meetings sponsored by UT Dallas, please also email Jim Stallings.

Jump to end of slideshow.
People seated at chess boards in Student Union.
People seated at chess boards in the Union.
Two people posing together, one holding a plaque.
An oversized chess board on the floor and a person standing and looking away.
Chess Team or Club members posing together.
The backs of about a dozen people standing in the McDermott Library.

ChessFest day one on Monday, Feb. 20. Our WIMs Gergana Peycheva and Tarini Goyal played a simul against the student body.

ChessFest day one on Monday, Feb. 20. Our WIMs Gergana Peycheva and Tarini Goyal played a simul against the student body.

ChessFest day one on Monday, Feb. 20. Our WIMs Gergana Peycheva and Tarini Goyal played a simul against the student body.

Chess Educator Award Ceremony in JSOM on Tuesday, Feb. 21

Chess Educator Award Ceremony in JSOM on Tuesday, Feb. 21. Blindfold chess games played in the McDermott Lobby on Wednesday, Feb. 22

Chess Educator Award Ceremony in JSOM on Tuesday, Feb. 21

Blindfold chess games played in the McDermott Lobby on Wednesday, Feb. 22

End of Slideshow.